Emory University

Law School Graduation

Hey Friends,


I just graduated law school this past MONDAY! I cannot believe it. Wow. Although, academically, these were the toughest three years, personally they were the most influential. I came in as a girl, and I’m leaving a woman. I learned about fake friends, people who will do anything to get ahead, people who will be there for you when they have a million things going on, hard work/working SMART, having fun, cherishing the people that keep you sane, and protecting your health.

At times, I was incredibly skeptical about my education, but  I feel lucky to have gotten a Juris Doctor, since it affects the way I interact with the world, and allows me the ability to hone in on a multitude of conclusions that could occur.

If I had to go through law school again what would I do differently?

  • I finished law school on a strong note, so I wish from the get go, I made my own outlines or used others in conjunction with my notes, since that was something I failed to do as a 1L and relied heavily on commercial outlines and tabbing supplements.
  • I wish I wrote down most class discussions and case briefs that we discussed in class, as opposed to hopping on G-chat, and thinking that “I’ve read the case, so I know it.” I am human and I only have the ability to remember so much, without a trigger.
  • Developing a strong relationship with a professor in a field you like is something you should do very early on. By developing a relationship, you work harder to prove yourself, and they can also attempt to help you with your job search in the field.
  • Networked during my first year of law school. Networking is a such a vague term, so I will break it down for you in another post.
  • I wish I ran everyday, even for 5 minutes &  I wish I ate a light lunch. Eating a light lunch will enable you to be more productive during the day and not feel so sleepy.
  • I wish there was a way to avoid being addicted to coffee. My name is Maheen and I am addicted to coffee.
  • Respect and make time for my parents a  little bit more. I love them so much, and without them attending law school would not have been possible. They’re constantly love me, motivating me, and providing me with my lifestyle. I wish I sent them a few more thank you cards, a few more gifts, and a gave them a few extra minutes on the phone.
  • As far as my friends and special ones, I wish that I could keep a lid on my mouth when I was stressed. I often overreacted and said things that I regret. I love them to pieces and it would really break my heart if they thought I sincerely meant those rude things. I am an idiot sometimes, so working on managing my stress is something that I will actively work on as far as life goes.
  • (I’ll add to this list as I think of more things)

I hope you can learn from my mistakes. I have this little mantra that goes: if I can do it, so can you! I know that you can succeed in ANYTHING you do! Just work hard, I promise.

Cafe Alsace

Have you been to Cafe Alsace? I recently went there and I ordered the lunch special, which was a crepe filled with lamb, feta and grains(?) with a side of a mushroom (cream based) soup. Yum.


I enjoyed my meal (not the best meal — but still yummy) and I loved the soup  (I’m a sucker for soups).


  • hole in the wall joint
  • intimate
  • perfect for lunch
  • owner had pretty blue eyes, was polite and nice (also has an accent- LOVE)


  • one person working the room.
  • had to wait a considerable amount of time until my glass was refilled w/water
  • did not inquire about what I wanted to drink

What should you wear when dining for lunch:

  • don’t wear your gym clothes
  • don’t need to dress up
  • don’t wear stilettos
  • midtown attire would look odd here!
  • sun dress, business casual, or school clothes

Venue great for:

  • first casual date
  • cheese platter with girlfriends
  • latte’s with mom or dad

Falafel King: Favorite Emory Food Joint

There is something about a chicken/lamb/beef shawarma craving that makes me just RUN over to Falafel King.  I love it! I am serious, I love it so much that during the summer I PLACED a FK ban on myself, since I knew I abused my FK privileges during my second year at law school, but as soon as my third year started I just had to run over to FK to grab my favorite dish: The Chicken Shawarma Plate w/ two stuff grape leaves and fried chicken dumplings!


Doesn’t this look amazing?  Another part of FK that I love a lot our the two condiments on all the table: a spicy mayo (I think) & Sriracha.

Another aspect of FK that I love is the fact that it is run by a cute Korean couple!  The Wife definitely wears the pants in the relationship, since she is in charge of giving the right amount of chicken.

If you’re near the Emory area, Falafel King is the funny looking building near Chipotle, Zoe’s Kitchen and diagonal from the University’s bookstore.


Laws Miserables

I unfortunately will NOT be updating as frequently as I would like for the next two and half weeks, but I promise, after law school finals, I will be UPDATING everyday! By watching this video you will understand my pain.

Also, I’ll be working for an Entertainment Lawyer this summer! If you need to set up talent contracts, or contracts pertaining to your website, your services, or acquiring other services etc., please feel free to contact me at TheSocialiteFashion@gmail.com I will try and put you in contact with the partner I will be working under!